SEI’s board of directors is a talented group of volunteers who keep SEI’s mission and vision at the forefront of everything we do. Largely made up of Western Colorado residents, SEI’s board members have varied backgrounds: a pioneer of Sustainable and Responsible Investing, a developer of coal mine methane power plants, a publisher of the West’s premier public lands and natural resources magazine (High Country News), an elected director of our local rural electric co-op that recently changed the PV landscape for co-ops by achieving a landmark FERC ruling, an expert in non-profits, the president of one of the very few locally-owned banks in Colorado, a leader in the grass-fed beef movement, and a Director of Renewables for one of the nation’s largest contractor associations.
SEI is pleased to welcome Jon Miller to this group. He is a 2009 SEI alum who has climbed around on rooftops installing PV and then rose in the industry until today he has consulted, structured, and underwrote $2 billion of solar and wind projects for some of the nation’s largest developers and institutional investors. Jon has had an impressive journey in the solar industry since his start as a work-trader at SEI. We are pleased to welcome him to the SEI board!